Seafood FROM France

Round FishFlat FishFarm raisedShell FishMolluscsFilletCaviar & RoeMiscellaneousOysterSmoked
  • Name: Dutch Mussel
    Latin: Mytilus Edulis
    French: Moules
    German: Miesmuschel
    Italian: Aguja
    Thai: หอยแมลงภู่
    Japanese: Datsurandom

    Available all year round

    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 2 kg
    Pack: Tray
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Meagre
    Latin: Argyrosomus regius
    French: Maigre
    German: Adlerfisch
    Italian: Bocca d'oro / Umbrine

    Farm raised

    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Contry of Origin: France


  • Name: Rope Mussel Irlande
    Latin: Mytilus edulis
    French: Corde de moules
    German: Strang Muscheln

    Available - Season

    Farm raised
    Whole: live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 5 kg
    Pack: Bag
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: Irland




  • Name: Cadoret - Belon
    Latin: Ostrea edilus
    French: Huitre Plate
    German: Auster
    Italian: Ostrica
    Thai: หอยนางรม

    Available all year around

    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 50 pcs
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Black Mullet
    Latin: Mugil cephalus
    French: Mulet
    German: Maeraesche
    Italian: Cefalo

    Available all year round
    Wild Live

    Whole: fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Diver Scallops
    Latin: Pecten Maximus
    French: St.Jaques
    German: Kammmuschel
    Italian: Ventaglio alla Bretone
    Thai: หอยเชล

    Season Product
    moderate supply



    Wild live
    Whole: Live
    Catch: Dive Caught
    Process: With Shell, Roe on
    Order Qty: 12 or 6 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France




  • Name: Skate Wing
    Latin: Rajidae
    French: Aile de Raie
    German: Glattrochen
    Italian: Raza Basova
    Thai: ปลากระเบน
    Japanese: Gangiei

    Available all year round


    Wild live
    Fillet: Fresh
    Process: Skinless
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Fine de Claire - Vendee Atlantic
    Latin: Crassostrea Gigas
    French: Huitres-Vendee Atlantic
    German: Auster
    Italian: Ostrica
    Thai: หอยนางรม

    Available all year round
    6.5 to 10.5 % Meat inside


    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 50
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0 - 4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France



  • Name: Swordfish - smoked

    Available all year round

    Swordfish Loin
    Process: Smoked
    Order Qty: By Piece
    Pack: Vacuum
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin:


  • Name: Royal Oyster
    Grand Crue de France
    French: Huîtres
    German: Auster
    Italian: Ostrica

    Available available all year

    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 48/24 pcs
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Sardine Mediterranean
    Latin: Sardine Pilchardus
    French: Sardine
    German: Sardine
    Italian: Sardina
    Thai: ปลาซาร์ดีน

    Available all year round, moderate supply


    Wild live
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 3 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0 - 4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Murigen - Irlande
    French: Huitre
    German: Auster
    Thai: หอยนางรม

    Season: All Year
    Farm raised

    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 50 pcs
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Periwinkles / Climed Winkels
    Latin: Lottorina Littorea
    French: Bigorneau
    German: Sandschnecke
    Italian: Patella
    Thai: หอยจุ๊บ

    Available all year round


    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 6kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Region: Irland, Scotland,U.K
    Country of Origin: France



  • Name: Pollack
    French: Lieu Jaune
    German: Klamottendorsch
    Italian: Merluzzo giallo

    Available all year round

    Wild Live
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4 C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Sole
    Latin: Sole sengalensi
    French: Sole
    German: Seezunge

    Available all year round

    Farm raised
    Whole; fresh
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 6 kg or 10 kg
    Pack: Foambox
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: Spain


  • Name: Bouillabaise
    French: Bouillabaise
    German: Fischsuppe
    Thai: ปลารวม

    Available all year round
    Various Fish

    Wild live
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Mixed Fish
    Order Qty: 10 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Langoustine
    Latin: Nephrops Norvegicus
    French: Langoustine
    German: Tiefseehummer
    Italian: Scampo
    Thai: กั้ง

    Available all year round


    Wild live
    Catch: Creel Caught
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 3 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Eel - smoked
    Latin: Anguilla anguilla
    German: Aal
    Italian:Anguilla americana
    Thai: ปลาไหล

    Available all year round

    Whole: with Skin
    Fillet: no skin
    Process: Smoked
    Order Qty: 10 Pack or whole pcs
    Pack: Vacuum
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France



  • Name: Wild Oyster
    Saveur De La
    French: Huîtres
    German: Auster
    Italian: Ostrica

    Available available all year

    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 48/25 pcs
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Royal Sea Bream
    Latin: Sparus aurata
    French: Dorade Royal
    German: Goldbrasse
    Italian: Orata

    Available all year round
    Wild live - Line chaught

    Whole: fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Octopus
    Latin: Octopus Vulgaris
    French: Poulpe
    German: Krake
    Italian: Polpo alla Provenciale
    Thai: ปลาหมึกยักษ์
    Japanese: Tako

    Available all year round, moderate supply

    Wild live
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 3 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France

  • Name: Rousette / Headless
    Latin: Scyliorhinus canicula
    French: Rousette
    German: Gefleckter Katzenhai
    Italian: Gattucio

    Available all year round


    Wild live
    Headless: fresh
    Process: without skin
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Foambox
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France



  • Name: Whiting Fillet
    Latin: Meriangius Merlangus
    French: Merlan
    German: Wittling
    Italian: Merlano
    Thai: ปลาขาว

    Available all year round


    Wild live
    Fillet: Fresh
    Process: Skin on
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Red Lumpfish Roe
    Oefs de Lompe rouge

    Available all year

    Roe: Pasteurized
    Process: Roe
    Order Qty: 100 g
    Packing: Glass
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Norwegian Smoked Salmon

    Available all year round
    Farm raised

    Process: Smoked
    Available: sliced or whole Fillet
    Order Qty: By Piece
    Pack: Vacuum
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: Norway


  • Name: Cockle - Coque
    Latin: Cerastoderma Edule
    French: Coque
    German: Essbare Herzmuscheln
    Italian:Gusci di Cuori Eduli
    Thai: หอยแครง

    Available all year round

    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 6kg/3kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Majestic Oyster
    Latin: Crassostrea gigias
    French: Huîtres
    German: Auster

    Available available all year

    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 50 pcs
    Pack: Wooden Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: Irland


  • Name: Spanish Mussel
    Latin: Gallo Provincialis
    French: Moule d'Espagne
    German: Spanische Mismuschel
    Italian: Mitili al madera
    Thai: หอยแมลงภู่
    Japanese: Datsu

    Available all year round


    Farm raised
    Whole: Live
    Process: Whole
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Box or Tray
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Region: Galicia, Spain
    Country of Origin: France



  • Name: Flounder
    Latin: Platichthys flesus
    French: Flet
    German: Flunder
    Italian: Passera

    Available all year round
    Wild live

    Whole: fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty: 6 kg
    Pack: Box
    Conservation: 0-4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France


  • Name: Turbot Label Rouge
    Latin: Psetta maxima
    French: Turbot
    German: Steinbutt
    Italian: Rombot Chiodat
    Thai: ปลาเทอร์บอท

    Available all year round
    Label Rouge


    Farm raised
    Whole: Fresh
    Process: Gutted
    Order Qty:  6 kg
    Pack: Foam Box
    Conservation: 0 - 4Û« C
    Country of Origin: France